Update:Varlamore: The Final Dawn Quest, Delve Boss & Slayer Dungeon Rewards - OSRS Wiki (2025)

This official news post is copied verbatim from the Old School RuneScape website. It is copyrighted by Jagex.
It was added on 9 January 2025.


  • 1 The Final Dawn
    • 1.1 A New Melee Weapon
  • 2 Delve Boss: The Doom of Mokhaiotl
    • 2.1 The Delve System
    • 2.2 Rewards
    • 2.3 Avernic Catalyst and Avernic Treads
    • 2.4 Demonic Mark and Eldritch Veil
    • 2.5 Diabolical Aegis
    • 2.6 Thrall Upgrade
  • 3 Slayer Dungeon
    • 3.1 Custodia Stalkers
    • 3.2 Antler Guard
  • 4 Survey

See what awaits you in Varlamore: The Final Dawn.

We’ll be real with you, guys – things are looking a bit scary in Varlamore. In The Final Dawn you won’t just have cultists to contend with – you’ll have to face off against dangerous new Slayer creatures and a terrifying new boss. At least we have some awesome rewards to offer you!

We plan to launch a poll about everything in this blog very soon, so after you’ve finished reading, be sure to send us your thoughts on Discord, Reddit, or via this survey.

The Final Dawn

Well, that’s not ominous at all. In this nail-biting finale, you’ll dig deeper than ever before into the murky history of Varlamore and the fate of the mysterious Old Ones.

This master-tier quest is the conclusion of the Twilight Emissaries questline and will see you snooping, sleuthing, and sneaking your way across the Shining Kingdom on the trail of the elusive Twilight Emissaries. What are their true motives? And more importantly, will you be able to stop them?

Don’t worry, we won’t be dropping any spoilers here. We do, however, need to get your thoughts on a suitably cool reward!

A New Melee Weapon

This spec weapon is so spoilerific that we can’t even say its name. We can tell you that it’s roughly on par with the Dragon Scimitar, although the Scimitar will still be more favourable in most situations thanks to its higher strength bonus.

The New Melee Weapon’s real draw is its Special Attack, which costs 50% Special Attack Energy. The Special upgrades your next single attack with 50% increased accuracy, and a monumental 50% extra damage if it hits. In addition, a successful hit will apply a burn effect to the target, dealing 10 damage over 40 ticks (24 seconds). In multi-combat areas, this burn effect will also apply to enemies within one tile of your target.

New Melee Weapon will be untradeable, with the ability to repurchase it for 75,000 GP if lost.

Poll Question #1
Should we add a New Melee Weapon as an untradeable reward for completing The Final Dawn quest, as described in the blog? This Special Attack weapon will sit roughly on par with the Dragon Scimitar.

Delve Boss: The Doom of Mokhaiotl

You’ve mastered the Colosseum. You’ve pacified the Hueycoatl. Now the time has come to face another terrifying boss monster.

When the Old Ones whispered of the new terror that had come upon them, they called it ‘Osto-Ayak’ – the Under-Creature. Millennia later, the ancient legends of Varlamore refer to it by another name…

The Doom of Mokhaiotl.

This demonic creature lives deep below the Tlati Rainforest, tunnelling through long-abandoned ruins. Now, the rumblings of trouble in Varlamore have forced it closer to the surface… and it’s feeling hungry.

We first pitched The Doom as an enrage boss, something we’d never tried before in Old School. Since that pitch we’ve been developing the concept further, and a new, more thematic term came to mind: a delve boss.

The Delve System

Our delve mechanics still embrace the idea of an enrage system, with some key differences.

When Osto-Ayak is defeated, it will descend further into its burrow. Chasing after it into the deeper levels increases the chance to receive unique drops, with some unique drops only appearing at more dangerous levels. You must make your progress in a single run, as returning to the surface will reset you back to delve level 1.

It’s worth noting that while the change to snag unique rewards increases as you progress, the quantities of basic-level loot do not. This means that you have more chances to get desirable loot, without being overloaded with general resources, as you delve deeper.

There will be eight delve levels, each increasing in difficulty and loot potential. You can keep repeating the hardest difficulty for as long as you can survive, but if you die, well… you’ll lose everything. Don’t say we didn’t warn you!

The Doom of Mokhaiotl is an end-game boss. It's aimed at players at or above Combat Level 120 who have, or are close to getting, their Infernal Cape.

Deeper levels increase the difficulty of the fight in several ways:

  • Increased boss attack rate.
  • Smaller reaction times for special attacks.
  • Lingering arena state from previous levels.
  • Additional mechanics.
  • Environment changes after level 5, resulting in:
    • Extra damaging effects, which can be avoided.
    • Additional fight mechanics and special attacks.


Should you emerge victorious, you could receive one of the following rewards! Should they pass the poll, each unique will be available from pre-determined delve levels, with increasing drop rates beyond that.

Avernic Catalyst and Avernic Treads

The Avernic Catalyst is a consumable item that can be used together with the Primordial, Pegasian and Eternal boots (you'll need all three) to create the Avernic Treads. This conversion is irreversible but would include three recolours to make sure your new shoes fit your FashionScape. Both the Avernic Catalyst and the Avernic Treads will be tradeable.


  • 80 Smithing (to combine)
  • 80 Ranged
  • 80 Defence
  • 80 Strength
  • 80 Magic

Demonic Mark and Eldritch Veil

Ready to upgrade your best-in-slot Magic cape? The Demonic Mark is a consumable item that can be used on any of the imbued God Capes to produce the Eldritch Veil - a new best-in-slot cape for Magic offence. Accordingly there’s a hefty boost in its offensive stats, at the cost of a -2 Prayer Bonus. It is demonic, after all.

While the Demonic Mark will be tradeable, the Eldritch Veil will be untradeable. This means that if you’ve done your time in the Mage Arena you’ll be able to buy your way to the upgrade. We know you’ll have a lot to say about this, so let us break down our thought process. Osto-Ayak is a traditional boss encounter, not a wave-based minigame, so the rewards drop randomly rather than being guaranteed at the end of your run. For powerful rewards like this one, it’s important to us that nobody feels blocked by their bad luck. Plus, highly desirable, rare rewards are good for the economy and provide an incentive to keep enjoying challenging fights long after you’ve snagged the rewards for yourself.


  • 80 Magic

Diabolical Aegis

The Diabolical Aegis is a new two-handed weapon designed to fill the Demonbane Crush gap. We’re looking at 4 Attack Speed, double hitsplats, and a passive effect which resets your attack delay if you land the killing blow on a demonic enemy.

As well as the Demonbane bonus, the Aegis comes with a new Demonward effect, which gives you 25% damage reduction against demons. You’ll save on supplies and extend trip length, even in encounters where you take unavoidable damage!

This weapon won’t just come in handy against Osto-Ayak itself – it’ll also be useful against Cerberus and the Abyssal Sire.

The Diabolical Aegis will be tradeable.


  • 75 Strength
  • 75 Attack
  • Completion of The Final Dawn quest

Thrall Upgrade

This enthralling reward takes the form of a consumable, tradeable resource drop that will boost your summoned Thralls. You’ll be able to store it in your ammo slot to augment your Thralls with an additional effect that increases their overall DPS.

When affected Thralls despawn, their spirit will travel back through the air towards you in a straight line, dealing a small amount of damage to any enemies caught in their path. We saw how much you loved the axe mechanic during Curse of Arrav, and thought we’d bring it back! This reward adds a new dimension to combat in Old School, rewarding higher APM and careful positioning.

Poll Question #2
Should we add the Avernic Treads, a tradeable pair of boots with strong defense bonuses, as described in the blog? The Avernic Treads will be created by combining the Primordial, Pegasian and Eternal boots along with a new consumable, tradeable drop, the Avernic Catalyst, available from the Delve Boss drop table.
Poll Question #3
Should we add the Eldritch Veil, a new BiS Cape for Mage Offence, as described in the blog? The Eldritch Veil is created by using a new, consumable item, the Demonic Mark on any imbued God Cape. The Demonic Mark will be available from the Delve Boss drop table and will be tradeable. The Eldritch Veil will be untradeable.
Poll Question #4
Should we add the Diabolical Aegis, a two-handed Demonbane Crush weapon to the Delve Boss rewards table, as described in the blog? The Diabolical Aegis will have an Attack speed of 4, double hit splats, and a passive effect which resets your attack delay if you land a killing blow to a demon-type enemy. This will be a tradeable item.
Poll Question #5
Should we add the Thrall Upgrade, a consumable, tradeable resource drop, to the Delve Boss rewards table? This would provide a boost to summoned Thralls, giving them the ability to return to you in a straight line when despawning, damaging any enemies in their path.

Slayer Dungeon

The Custodia Pass is a hostile stretch of rocky ground that marks the border between Varlamore and Kourend – and it’s the perfect hunting ground for Slayer enthusiasts. After completing a quest, you’ll gain access to a new Slayer Dungeon teeming with creatures to slay.

You’ll also come into contact with an enemy yet to be seen on mainland Gielinor; the Custodia stalker.

Custodia Stalkers

These bipedal creatures, bearing large antlers and clawed hands, prowl the depths of the Custodia Slayer Dungeon. Left to mutate for millennia, their fearsome appearance is matched only by their insatiable bloodlust. Don’t underestimate these beasts – they’ve got brains as well as brawn.

You'll encounter three tiers of Stalkers:

TierSlayer Level

Each type will have low-mid defense teamed with a heftier HP pool, making it easier to rock up and bash out your Slayer Tasks with whatever your preferred kit might be. We're also planning to add an elemental weakness, so Magic users are in luck! Our research team hasn’t yet returned with the exact stats of the Custodia Stalkers – don’t worry, we’re sure they’re all fine – but we wanted to give you a peek at the reward regardless.

Antler Guard

The Custodia Stalkers have the chance to drop the Antler Guard, a unique offhand weapon with a combination of Prayer and offensive bonuses. It's set up to be a complementary piece of kit if you're more confident with nailing your protection Prayers. We want it to sit around the same level as the Dragon Defender and Odium Ward, without pushing them out of their positions on the tier list.

The Antler Guard will be tradeable. We’re also still workshopping the name, so let us know if you have a great idea!

Poll Question #6
Should we add the Antler Guard, a unique, tradeable drop, to the Custodia Stalker drop table as described in the blog? The Antler Guard would be an offhand weapon with a focus on Prayer and Offensive bonuses, with negative Defensive bonuses.


That’s all for now! We’ve covered a lot here today, so while it’s fresh in your mind we’d love to get your feedback! Please click the button below to fill out the survey.

Update:Varlamore: The Final Dawn Quest, Delve Boss & Slayer Dungeon Rewards - OSRS Wiki (8)

You can also discuss this update on the 2007Scape subreddit, the Steam forums, or the community-led OSRS Discord in the #gameupdate channel. For more info on the above content, check out the official Old School Wiki.

Mods Abe, Abyss, Arcane, Archie, Argo, Ash, Ayiza, BigRig, Blossom, Boko, Bruno, Chilly, Criminal, Crystal, Curse, Daizong, Dylan, Ed, Elena, Enigma, Entropi, Errol, Gecko, Gengis, Gizmo, Goblin, Grub, Halo, Harold, Hend, Hornet, Husky, Jalo, Jerv, Keyser, Kieren, Kirby, Kurotou, Leebleh, Lenny, Light, Liron, Lykos, Mack, Manked, Markos, Maylea, Moogle, Morty, Necro, Nin, Nox, Nylu, Ori, Other, Philomel, Pumpkin, Rach, Redfield, Regent, Rice, Roq, Ry, Saiyan, Sarnie, Shogun, Shroom, Sigma, Skylark, Smithy, Sova, Squid, Starry, Suharun, Surma, Sween, Tide, Titus, TJ, Tsourorf, Tyran, Veda, Vegard, West, & Wolfy

The Old School Team.

Update:Varlamore: The Final Dawn Quest, Delve Boss & Slayer Dungeon Rewards - OSRS Wiki (2025)
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Name: Annamae Dooley

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Introduction: My name is Annamae Dooley, I am a witty, quaint, lovely, clever, rich, sparkling, powerful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.